For a brief overview, do check out our WIM Briefing page.
The Women’s Institute of Management (264164-k), which was incorporated on 14.5.1993, is a Non Profit NGO with tax exempt status and was launched by the then Deputy Prime Minister Y.A.B. Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim on 12.12.1994. WIM does not receive any annual government grant. All members of the WIM Boards and Advisory Panel, and Committees are volunteers. Up till 28.2.2025 WIM had delivered 791 courses/events, benefitting 37,620 participants, a majority of which are free training courses in Small Businesses for disadvantaged women’s groups such as Single Parent Women, Rural Women, Orang Asli (Aboriginal) Women and Women in the Prisons, Rumah Seri Puteri, Malaysian Indian Women in the Rubber and Oil Palm Plantations and Malaysian Chinese Women in the J.E. virus-affected areas. WIM owns a 6-storey Building Complex, Wisma WIM which is free of encumbrances. A Time Capsule has been placed at the Atrium, to be opened on 22.2.2051. WIM is the only Women’s NGO cited in the Women in Development chapter of the 7th Malaysia Plan.

WIM’s Education and Management Programmes include a Master of Business Administration degree with the University of East London. Professors from the Harvard Business School, Henley Management School, UK, the Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania) and the Carnegie Mellon University conducted lectures pro bono to speak to our MBA students. WIM has designed and copyrighted a Women’s Leadership Programme which has been approved by HRD Corp. of the Ministry of Human Resources. WIM’s publication initiatives include a WIM Business Journal, INSPIRE, a WIM Finance Handbook in Bahasa Malaysia, English, Mandarin and Tamil for the Entrepreneur, Professional and Social Worker, a book on Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), a book on Reproductive Health “From the Womb to the Golden Years” and “Small and Medium Business: The IPO Debut”, “Small Business Success Stories” and “Fundraising: Passion & Professionalism”. WIM became 25 years old on 14.5.2018 and celebrated with a 25th Anniversary Gala dinner on 7.7.2018 at which a book was launched, “Reaching for the Skies” – The WIM Story: From an Idea to a High Achiever NGO”, a 432-page publication. WIM has published a second 432-page Book, “Steel Gardenias: Women’s Leadership – A Malaysian and Global Perspective” which was launched on 23.8.2022 by Y.B. Dato Sri Hajah Nancy Shukri, the Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Malaysia.
“WIM’s Chairman, Dato Dr. Nellie Tan-Wong was invited to speak at a Women’s Leadership Conference organised by the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, as Keynote Address Speaker at a Women’s Leadership Seminar organised by the Judge Business School, Cambridge University, UK at the invitation of Dame Sandra Dawson and as Speaker at a Conference organised by the Asia Development Bank at Vancouver, Canada. For the first time, WIM organised an International Conference at Bangkok on 6-8.11.2018, co-hosted with the Nation-Building Institute and the Institute of Future Studies for Development, Thailand. Inhouse groups of WIM include the WIM Advisory Panel, the WIM Membership Committee, the WIM Board of Governors (Education), the INSPIRE Editorial Board, the WIM Millennials Committee, the WIM-UEL MBA Alumni and a WIM Mental Health Committee. WIM organised a very successful Hari Wanita Forum on Women’s Leadership on 25.8.2020, at which WIM launched the Tan Sri Dato Napsiah Omar Chair for Women’s Leadership, which was featured in Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and the WIM website. The WIM Millennials Committee successfully organised a 2-day Summit on 24-25.10.2023 to celebrate WIM’s 30th Anniversary. The Keynote Address focussed on the National Economic Policy (NEP) followed by a second Millennials Summit held on 24.9.2024 with the theme: “Millennials as Partners in Development.” Other 30th Anniversary events are the Young Women Leaders Forum and the launch of the WIM Women of Influence Series. A WIM Special Health Forum was held on 25.11.2023 at Wisma WIM with talks on “Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Obesity and Mental Health” by various specialist doctors. A WIM Mental Health Forum was held on 12.10.2024 with the theme: “Priotising Mental Healthcare for Overall Wellbeing and Awareness is the Key.”

WIM is an HRDC Approved Training Provider for the Corporate Sector. WIM has also been awarded projects from the United Nations Population Fund in respect of organising UNFPA workshops and leadership programmes related to women’s health issues, entrepreneurship, empowerment of women in domestic violence and women afflicted with HIV AIDs. WIM also signed an MOU with OSK Foundation to conduct Small Business Training Programmes for marginalised women in all states of Malaysia. WIM was the first Malaysian women’s organisation to appear in the Internet, by sponsorship of Telekom Malaysia Bhd. Today, WIM’s website attracts as many as 156,420 “unique visitors” per month from 176 countries. WIM won two Public Relations awards from the Institute of Public Relations, Malaysia. WIM has been awarded the Malaysia Power Brand 2011 Award for Education category in respect of Brand Development and Management on 9.1.2012. On 19.9.2012, WIM was also awarded Winner of the European Union – Malaysia Chamber of Trade and Commerce Sustainability Award 2012 in the Empowerment of Women category. WIM’s Chairman was also awarded the BrandLaureate Brand Icon Leadership Award 2011 for her role in WIM on 9.11.2011. On 17.5.2015, Tan Sri Napsiah Omar, as Chief Executive of WIM College, was awarded the National Outstanding Educator Award (College category) by Koperasi Pendidikan Swasta Malaysia Berhad. The Women’s Ministry has recognised WIM as a Juara Wanita (Women’s Champion).
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Women’s Institute of Management:
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Fax: 03-77250286 / 77274318
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